The Pico Macom PIDA series two-way broadband distribution amplifiers are high quality dual push-pull amplifiers producing forward and reverse signals with extremely low distortion and high output levels. These amplifiers are designed for bi-directional cable distribution systems used in institutional and MDU environments, which employ reverse path signals such as cable modems, remote status monitoring, and remote TV origination. The PIDA also makes an excellent headend launch amplifier and is frequently used in conjunction with Pico Macom’s passive headend combiners (PHC12G or PHC24G) to overcome losses associated with signal combining in broadband CATV systems. Furthermore, the PIDA can be used in cable systems whose input source is a franchise cable drop or the output of a SMATV headend. In such applications, the PIDA would be used with Pico Macom’s CEF channel elimination filter for ”mix-and-match” channel selection or for local insertion. The PIDA enclosure is made of high-grade aluminum to ensure reliable heat dissipation and corrosion resistance. Pico Macom backs up this product with its industry leading 5-year limited warranty.