The PFAM550 is a professional re-broadcast grade frequency agile double heterodyne conversion audio/video modulator. Its SAW filter provides superior sideband filtering, adjacent channel compatibility and spurious free output.
The PFAM550 provides 57+- dBmV output over 82 channels from CATV channel 2 to 78 accommodating HRC and IRC offset frequencies. The unit features a composite audio-video IF loop, which provides compatibility with encoders, ghost cancellers, and video-override applications. Front panel DIP-switch controlled phase-locked-loop (PLL) allows easy channel selection and drift-free channel stability. High quality modulation and RF level control potentiometers assure years of reliable operation.
The modulator is shipped with all internal adjustments pre set, and FCC Docket 21006 offsets are standard. Pico Macom backs up this product with its industry leading 5-year limited warranty.