The Pico Macom PFAP550M is a frequency agile, microprocessor-controlled, professional re-broadcast grade double-heterodyne signal processor that converts one channel to another without the need to demodulate and remodulate the signal. Front panel push-button controls enable input and output channel selection. The unit uses state-of-the-art low noise PLL, SAW filter, and AGC techniques to provide superior picture quality and reliability thereby dramatically improving customer satisfaction. The PFAP550M’s unique sync tip detection AGC design delivers consistently high quality picture even at extremely low input levels. Its high-selectivity SAW filtering enables the unit to process any single cable channel, even in the most crowded systems. In the event of power failure, the microprocessor’s non-volatile memory preserves input and output channel identification guaranteeing proper reset when power is restored. The PFAP550M’s high frequency and extremely high accuracy phase-locked-loop oscillators enable the unit to meet the frequency offset and stability requirements of FCC Docket 21006. Pico Macom backs up this product with its industry leading 5-year limited warranty.